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Many people has chosen to book phone treatments and I had the pleasure to offer Atlantean phone sessions in Europe, Northern Territories and Polynesia.  The more open and relaxed the client is, the more powerful the treatment is. This is why phone treatments are so effective. All the client has to do is lie in their comfortable bed at home and listen. For me the experience is a little different. I can sense the person standing in front of me as the language takes me around them. During the session, I am totally aware as to what I am doing and where on the body I am working. For instance I will see their knee right in front of me as I feel my hand working on it or within it. I always feel so overwhelmed and blessed in being given the opportunity to connect with a person on such a divine level.


                                                                       -By Claire Gibb, 2005-

About Phone Sessions....
From Catherine, 50 years old, Normandy, France

In 2003, I developed a lower back problem (5th lumbar vertebra) due to a fall. I neglected this problem for a whole year but the pain gradually became excruciating. When I walked, it felt that my back was completely stuck and sitting was getting to be a real issue. I was only comfortable when lying down, and I was fed up with being in such a state.

At that time, Claire had offered me a phone treatment. As I was feeling worse and worse every day, I eventually accepted. Claire had already given me a treatment during one of her trips to France but I didn’t have any specific physical issue to be addressed at that time.

We made an appointment one night, late in the evening for me (because of our different time zones). I lied down in a quiet place and the treatment started. I relaxed as much as possible, allowing for the best to occur during the treatment, without any expectation for a physical healing. During the treatment, the Atlantean sounds seemed to flow into my body and into my spine. I felt a grand gentleness, a profound love or more precisely a profound tenderness and power, like a wake up call not on a mental level but directly on a cellular level. I felt my entire body relaxing, surrendering, my spine stretching as the treatment went on. It was as though my mental resistance was disappearing in front of my eyes.

We did not share much after the treatment. I did not have much to say, I just wanted to enjoy and make this feel good moment last. Then I fell asleep and when life started again the next morning, I realized that the pain in my back was basically gone.

My vertebra may not be fully healed but I can now sit for long periods of time, even on hard seats or on the floor. I can walk for four or five hours straight before starting to feel my back getting sore and stiff.

It gives me great pleasure to thank Claire for her availability, her time and the efficiency of her session, which put me back on my feet again, in only one session.


To book a session,


 Contact Claire




Tel: 647-722-4919 


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